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Hey all! It's been a year since I started the comic. That's pretty exciting, I think. Also, I believe the last page of Chapter 2 is going up next week, and I've got some relatively exciting news that I'll announce then, so keep your eyes open.

I should also note that I've made a post on my blog (you can find a link on the "links" page) recommending the fine webcomic "8-Bit Theater." If you're interested in webcomic recommendations, check it out. I plan on posting recommendations and descriptions of all the comics on the Links page, so this is merely the first of many.

Finally, I dedicate this comic to Keen for coming up with a joke, the explanation of which is: You see, it's funny because a "tan ex" is someone's ex-girl or boyfriend who happens to be tanned, as a surfer would be but tan(x), which is pronounced the same as tan ex is a shorthand form of the tangent of x, a mathematical function the solutions of which diverge periodically.

For those who are interested, I also came up with a joke. The explanation for my joke is this: You see, it's funny because a "tan ex" is someone's ex-girl or boyfriend who happens to be tanned, but tan(x), which is pronounced the same as tan ex is a shorthand form of the tangent of x, a mathematical function. Additionally, tangents have to do with angles which are measured in degrees, as is temperature. Finally, the tangent of ninety degrees does not exist.

See you next week!

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