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By the way, in case you're wondering, and in case I haven't already said this (which I may have), my estimate is that all in all, Chronicle will be between 1000 and 1500 pages. So given that we're on page 965, we're coming up on things here. That said, the comic will wind up being a lot closer to 1500 than 1000. Thinking about it right now, there will probably be another 6 chapters worth of content or so, and given the average of 50 pages per chapter that I've had so far, that's another 300 pages, which puts us at about 1250. That said, that's probably an underestimation, so let's say 1350. So anyway, maybe 400 pages left in this thing?

The joke was "Why didn't the regular quadrilateral get invited to any parties? Because he was a square!"

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