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You may think that today is the last day of February, but if so, you would be forgetting that 2020 is a leap year. Now, as many of you know, leap years don't actually happen every four years. Whenever a year is divisible by 100, we don't have a leap year, except if the year is also divisible by 1000. So 1900 wasn't a leap year, but 2000 was. You probably also know that U.S. presidential elections happen every four years, specifically every year divisible by four. That said, I think it would be interesting if the rules for presidential elections were the same as those for leap years. That would mean that in 1800, Thomas Jefferson wouldn't have been elected to his first term, with John Adams continuing as president for another four years. How might history have been different? We may never know.

The joke was "I tried to convince a Canadian that they should rename the territories, but he was having Nunavut."

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